This week we are performing maintenance activities on RF WebLab. RF WebLab will be unavailable from time to time.
Even when RF WebLab is available results may deviate from normal.
We expect to switch back to normal operation Friday around noon (Swedish time).
Koen Buisman
RF WebLab maintenance week (last week of June 2024)
This week we are performing some maintenance on RF WebLab. WebLab may be offline from time to time and results may differ from normal. It is expected that Sunday June 30th RF WebLab will be back to normal.
Koen Buisman
RF WebLab interruptions (May 31st and onwards)
Since Friday May 31st, our webhost is enduring network connectivity issues, as well as more recently a DDOS attack. As a result, RF WebLab experiences severe outages. Mostly the system can self-recover. However outages are currently still ongoing (Sunday, June 9th).
Koen Buisman
RF WebLab available again, new v1.2 client released
RF WebLab is available again. The problem we encountered had to do with how we upload the data to our server. We used the same method for 10 years, but recent updates at our web server broke our method. This has now been updated and a new RF WebLab client, v1.2 has been released today.
Some details: we use the function urlreadpost.m by Dan Ellis to upload the data. This uses multipart/form-data to POST the data to our website. To separate the data a boundary is used, which was *****************. Our webserver started to reject this boundary with a 400 error (bad syntax). We updated the boundary to only use letters and numbers. This solved our issue.
To find the error was very troublesome, as all indications at first pointed to an issue in our php code at the web server. After finally locating the error, to fix it was trivial.
Please update your client to the v1.2 version, which can be found under access details. The old client is no longer functional and a warning will be displayed asking to update your client.
Koen Buisman
WebLab temporarily unavailable
Looks like we have an issue uploading test data. Resulting in the following error: “Error downloading URL. Your network connection may be down or your proxy settings improperly configured.”
This is currently under investigation.
Koen Buisman
Deviating weblab results
To facilitate some special experiments, RF WebLab results may deviate from normal. This will continue until Thursday December 21st. From Friday the 22nd weblab is expected to be back to normal.
Koen Buisman
Chalmers RF WebLab QR Code
RF WebLab up and running again (22 Nov 2023)
Luckily the issue preventing weblab from being accessible was minor and weblab is up and running again.
Koen Buisman
RF WebLab down (Nov 22)
RF weblab went down for the first time in a long time, indicating our auto-recovery mechanisms are working fine. Unfortunately my remote access is not working, so bringing weblab back online may take a few days.
Koen Buisman
RF WebLab available again (12-09)
Back online.
Koen Buisman