RF WebLab is temporarily unavailable this week for an upgrade.
It is expected RF WebLab will be available again some time next week.
Best regards,
WebLab team at Chalmers
RF WebLab is temporarily unavailable this week for an upgrade.
It is expected RF WebLab will be available again some time next week.
Best regards,
WebLab team at Chalmers
RF WebLab is temporarily unavailable today for an upgrade.
It is expected RF WebLab will be available again some time tomorrow.
Best regards,
WebLab team at Chalmers
RF WebLab was temporarily unavailable to facilitate another experiment. This experiment is still ongoing.
Even though RF WebLab is available again, the DUT is configured different this week.
Best regards,
WebLab team at Chalmers
RF WebLab is temporarily unavailable to facilitate another experiment.
It is expected RF WebLab will be available again some time next week.
Best regards,
WebLab team at Chalmers
RF WebLab is up and running again.
Best regards,
WebLab team at Chalmers
RF WebLab is temporarily unavailable to facilitate another experiment.
It is expected RF WebLab will be available again by Friday, September 23.
Best regards,
WebLab team at Chalmers
RF WebLab is up and running again.
Best regards,
WebLab team at Chalmers
We are performing some changes in the supporting hardware, for which RF WebLab will be switched off today. We expect RF WebLab to be available again in the afternoon. The DUT will remain unchanged.
RF WebLab team at Chalmers.
We changed some of the hardware and housed everything in a rack. The DUT, TX and RX are the same as before.
RF WebLab is up and running again.
Best regards,
WebLab team at Chalmers
We are currently implementing some changes in the WebLab hardware.
RF WebLab is expected to be up and running again next week or earlier.
RF WebLab team at Chalmers.