function [y, RMSout, Idc, Vdc] = RFWebLab_PA_meas_v1_2(x, RMSin) % Version date: 2024-02-27 %Executes measurement of remote PA using IQ-data x at power level RMSin. x %is sampled at 200 MHz. Please note: the bandwidth is limited to 160 MHz. %This means you should not put any useful signal components outside of the %range [-80, 80] MHz because it will be distorted in the signal generation %process. You can also not use the returned data outside of the range %[-80, 80] MHz because it is filtered by the signal analyzer. % %Returns IQ-data y with RMS power level RMSout (into a 50 Ohm load). y is %scaled such that y it is given in Volts. y is sampled at 200 MHz and has a %bandwidth of 160 MHz. % %There are limitations on the rms and peak power levels output from the %signal generator: maximum rms output depends on the peak-to-average ratio %and the maximum peak output is -11 dBm. These limits are put there to ensure %that the PA is not unintentionally damaged by excessive power levels. % %Inputs: % Note that the client can be run in two modes. Firstly by specifying both x % and RMSin. Or, only by specificying x,which is given in Volts (into a 50 Ohm % load). The firstcase is shortly described below, after which an example is given. % % x - input IQ-data sampled at 200 MHz. Note that x is always rescaled to % have max(abs(x))==1 to utilize the DAC as well as possible. x has a % limited peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of 20 dB. % Maximum 1 000 000 samples are allowed. Longer files are cut to 1 000 000 % samples at the server. % Note that x must have at least 1000 samples. % Note that x should have an even number of samples. % RMSin - rms power level setting in dBm of the signal generator. The % approximate gain of the amplifier stages preceding the PA is 40 % dB. RMSin is limited to( PEAKin - PAPR(x) ) dBm rms and the % maximum peak power is limited to -11 dBm. % % Usage examples: % - for x as a voltage mode -> [y, RMSout, Idc, Vdc] = RFWebLab_PA_meas_v1(x); % - for RMSin mode -> [y, RMSout, Idc, Vdc] = RFWebLab_PA_meas_v1(x,RMSin); % %Outputs: %y - measured IQ-data sampled at 200 MHz with a bandwidth of 160 MHz. y is % always given in Volts. % y has the same number of samples as x. % The sampling is started in a completely random fashion so you need to % do a synchronization before using the output data. %RMSout - rms output power of y in dBm. %Idc - measured current %Vdc - voltage (20V) % warning off backtrace if nargin < 2 RMSin = 10*log10( norm(x)^2/50/length(x)) + 30; %convert V-rms to dBm end [status,x] = check_inputs_WebLab(x, RMSin); %Input validation check if status GA_call(); %Google Analytics %If everything is ok, proceed [InData]= createInCluster_WebLab(x,RMSin); %Create system specific Cluster struc [FormedCluster] = form_data_cluster(InData); %Convert input cluster to bin and apply hashing [h,h_ok] = filewrite(FormedCluster); %write data to server, get handle back maxTry = 100; %try for maxTry*pauselen seconds to download data, otherwise return empty y pauselen = 3; [OutData]= fileread(h,h_ok, maxTry, pauselen); if OutData.status [y,RMSout,Idc,Vdc]= readOutData_WebLab(OutData); disp('Results are ready') else y = []; RMSout = []; Idc = []; Vdc = []; end else warning('Power check failed.') y = []; RMSout = []; Idc = []; Vdc = []; end end %end of main function %% Sub Functions for specific system function [status,x] = check_inputs_WebLab(x, RMSin) status=true; if isempty(x) warning('Invalid IQ Data. Empty Data Array') status = false;return elseif ~all(isfinite(x)) warning('Invalid IQ Data. Data contain NaN or Inf value(s)') status = false;return elseif ~isvector(x) warning('Invalid IQ Data. IQ data must be a vector') status = false;return elseif length(x)>1e6 warning('x is too long, cutting to 1 000 000 samples.') x = x(1:1e6); elseif length(x)<1000 warning('x must be more than 1000 samples.') status = false;return elseif isreal(x) x= complex(x,0); end if isempty(RMSin) warning('Invalid RMSin Data. Empty Data value') status = false;return elseif ~all(size(RMSin)==[1 1]) warning('Invalid RMSin value. Single value is required') status = false;return elseif ~isfinite(RMSin) warning('Invalid RMSin value. Data contain NaN or Inf value(s)') status = false;return end x = x(:); % Normalization of data PeakReal=max(abs(real(x))); PeakImag=max(abs(imag(x))); Peak=max([PeakReal PeakImag]); if Peak ~=0 x=double(x./Peak); else x=double(x); end PAPR = 20*log10(max(abs(x))*sqrt(length(x))/norm(x)); if RMSin > -8 - PAPR*0.77 warning('rms input power too high.') status = false;return elseif PAPR > 20 warning('Signal PAPR too high.') status = false;return elseif RMSin+PAPR > -8 warning('Peak input power too high.') status = false;return end end function [InData]= createInCluster_WebLab(x,RMSin) %Create the in cluster with the settings and data %Data struct creation InData.Client_version=single(1.2); InData.OpMode ='A5Z6UNud'; InData.PowerLevel =RMSin; InData.SA_Samples =length(x); InData.Re_data =real(x); InData.Im_data =imag(x); end function [y,RMSout,Idc,Vdc]= readOutData_WebLab(OutData) y= complex(OutData.b3_re,OutData.b3_im); RMSout=OutData.RMS_out; Idc=OutData.DCmeas.Id; Vdc=OutData.DCmeas.Vd; end %% Sub Functions function [OutData] = fileread(h,h_ok, maxTry, pauselen) %Read data from the server ind1 = strfind(h, 'out'); hk= [h(ind1:end-3) 'dat']; for k=1:maxTry pause(pauselen) try tmp_nam_ok = tempname; %temporary filename in case reading success urlwrite(h_ok,tmp_nam_ok); delete(tmp_nam_ok) tmp_nam = tempname; %temporary filename in case reading success urlwrite(h,tmp_nam); unzip(tmp_nam); fid = fopen(hk,'r','l'); OutCluster_bin = fread(fid,'*uint8'); %read outdata binary fclose(fid); %close delete(hk) %delete temporary data OutData = deserialize(OutCluster_bin); %convert outdata binary to stuct if isfield(OutData, 'message') disp(OutData.message); end error_handle(OutData); timeout=false; break; catch OutData.status=false; timeout=true; end end if timeout warning('Connection timeout. Check your internet connection and try again.') end end %end of fileread function error_handle(OutData) if OutData.error_hanlde==int32(-999000); %No warning elseif OutData.error_hanlde==int32(-999001); warning('Measurement System failure. Please repeat the measurement.') elseif OutData.error_hanlde==int32(-999002); warning('Invalid input data. Please verify your settings.') elseif OutData.error_hanlde==int32(-999003); warning('You are using an old Client version. Please update.') elseif OutData.error_hanlde==int32(-999004); warning('Corrupted data transfer. Please repeat the measurement.') end end function [s,s_ok, hname] = filewrite(FormedCluster) %%Write formatted InputCluster to server, get a handle to the measured data back %Use URLREADPOST from Dan Ellis to upload data, please note license %agreement of URLREADPOST urlChar = ''; params = {'myFile',FormedCluster}; out = urlreadpost(urlChar,params); %parse output file name ind1 = strfind(out, 'output_'); ind1 = ind1(1); %parse output ok file name ind2 = strfind(out,'.dat'); %file always ends with .dat, otherwise not valid file ind2 = ind2(1); fname = out(ind1:ind2+3); %this is the file name on the server fnameok = ['ok_' out(ind1+7:ind2+3)]; urlChar2 = ''; s = [urlChar2 fname(1:end-3) 'zip']; %URL to where the data is located s_ok= [urlChar2 fnameok]; hname = fname(7:end); %only last part of file name disp('Waiting for measurement...') end %end of filewrite function [output,status] = urlreadpost(urlChar,params) %URLREADPOST Returns the contents of a URL POST method as a string. % S = URLREADPOST('URL',PARAMS) passes information to the server as % a POST request. PARAMS is a cell array of param/value pairs. % % Unlike stock urlread, this version uses the multipart/form-data % encoding, and can thus post file content. File data is % encoded as a value element of numerical type (e.g. uint8) % in PARAMS. For example: % % f = fopen('music.mp3'); % d = fread(f,Inf,'*uint8'); % Read in byte stream of MP3 file % fclose(f); % str = urlreadpost('', ... % {'file',d,'version','3','api_key','API-KEY','wait','Y'}); % % ... will upload the mp3 file to the Echo Nest Analyze service. % % Based on TMW's URLREAD. Note that unlike URLREAD, there is no % METHOD argument % 2010-04-07 Dan Ellis % This function requires Java. if ~usejava('jvm') error('MATLAB:urlreadpost:NoJvm','URLREADPOST requires Java.'); end import; % Be sure the proxy settings are set. com.mathworks.mlwidgets.html.HTMLPrefs.setProxySettings % Check number of inputs and outputs. narginchk(2,2) nargoutchk(0,2) if ~ischar(urlChar) error('MATLAB:urlreadpost:InvalidInput','The first input, the URL, must be a character array.'); end % Do we want to throw errors or catch them? if nargout == 2 catchErrors = true; else catchErrors = false; end % Set default outputs. output = ''; status = 0; % Create a urlConnection. [urlConnection,errorid,errormsg] = urlreadwrite_old(mfilename,urlChar); if isempty(urlConnection) if catchErrors, return else error(errorid,errormsg); end end % POST method. Write param/values to server. % Modified for multipart/form-data 2010-04-06 % try urlConnection.setDoOutput(true); boundary = 'xz0rdZsEhssDBXZU35gHlt0YDRJ3OC930SX9dFDp63RSG12fR2qpX8TAIlidxjRNVdhfpT'; urlConnection.setRequestProperty( ... 'Content-Type',['multipart/form-data; boundary=',boundary]); printStream =; % also create a binary stream dataOutputStream =; eol = [char(13),char(10)]; for i=1:2:length(params) printStream.print(['--',boundary,eol]); printStream.print(['Content-Disposition: form-data; name="',params{i},'"']); if ~ischar(params{i+1}) % binary data is uploaded as an octet stream % Echo Nest API demands a filename in this case printStream.print(['; filename="dummy.dat"',eol]); printStream.print(['Content-Type: application/octet-stream',eol]); printStream.print([eol]); dataOutputStream.write(params{i+1},0,length(params{i+1})); printStream.print([eol]); else printStream.print([eol]); printStream.print([eol]); printStream.print([params{i+1},eol]); end end printStream.print(['--',boundary,'--',eol]); printStream.close; % catch % if catchErrors, return % else error('MATLAB:urlread:ConnectionFailed','Could not POST to URL.'); % end % end % Read the data from the connection. try inputStream = urlConnection.getInputStream; byteArrayOutputStream =; % This StreamCopier is unsupported and may change at any time. isc = InterruptibleStreamCopier.getInterruptibleStreamCopier; isc.copyStream(inputStream,byteArrayOutputStream); inputStream.close; byteArrayOutputStream.close; output = native2unicode(typecast(byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray','uint8'),'UTF-8'); catch if catchErrors, return else error('MATLAB:urlreadpost:ConnectionFailed','Error downloading URL. Your network connection may be down or your proxy settings improperly configured.'); end end status = 1; end %end of URLREADPOST function [urlConnection,errorid,errormsg] = urlreadwrite_old(fcn,urlChar) %URLREADWRITE A helper function for URLREAD and URLWRITE. % Matthew J. Simoneau, June 2005 % Copyright 1984-2007 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2009/01/30 22:37:42 $ % Default output arguments. urlConnection = []; errorid = ''; errormsg = ''; % Determine the protocol (before the ":"). protocol = urlChar(1:min(find(urlChar==':'))-1); % Try to use the native handler, not the ice.* classes. switch protocol case 'http' try handler =; catch exception %#ok handler = []; end case 'https' try handler =; catch exception %#ok handler = []; end otherwise handler = []; end % Create the URL object. try if isempty(handler) url =; else url =[],urlChar,handler); end catch exception %#ok errorid = ['MATLAB:' fcn ':InvalidUrl']; errormsg = 'Either this URL could not be parsed or the protocol is not supported.'; return end % Get the proxy information using MathWorks facilities for unified proxy % prefence settings. mwtcp =; proxy = mwtcp.getProxy(); % Open a connection to the URL. if isempty(proxy) urlConnection = url.openConnection; else urlConnection = url.openConnection(proxy); end end %end of urlreadwrite_old function GA_call() URL = ''; utmwv='5.4.7'; %tracking version utms='3'; %visit number, must probably match with some cookie setting later utmn='1378994324'; %site hash utmhn=''; %site utmcs='UTF-8'; %encoding utmsr='1680x1050'; %screen res utmvp='1664x486'; %browser res utmsc='24-bit'; %color depth utmul='en-us'; %language utmje='1'; %JS enabled utmfl='12.0 r0'; %Flash version utmdt='Power Amplifier Linearization through Digital Predistortion (DPD) | IMS2014 Student Design Competition'; %title of page utmhid='1518660351'; %random number for AdSense utmr='0'; %referral, complete url utmp='/'; %page request of the current page utmht='1391522837321'; %some kind of time stamp utmac='UA-47651321-1'; %account string %following is a cookie report utmcc='__utma=26860264.1502292211.1391522828.1391522828.1391522828.1;+__utmz=26860264.1391522828.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none);'; utmu='q~'; %some info setting for google params = {'utmwv',utmwv, 'utms',utms, 'utmn',utmn, 'utmhn',utmhn, 'utmcs',utmcs,... 'utmsr',utmsr, 'utmvp',utmvp, 'utmsc',utmsc, 'utmul',utmul, 'utmje',utmje,... 'utmfl',utmfl, 'utmdt',utmdt, 'utmhid',utmhid, 'utmr',utmr, 'utmp',utmp, 'utmht',utmht,... 'utmac',utmac, 'utmcc',utmcc, 'utmu',utmu}; s=urlread(URL,'get',params); %make call to gif with all the parameters using GET method end %end of GA_call %% Aux Functions function [FormedCluster] = form_data_cluster(InData) InCluster_bin = serialize(InData); Opt = struct('Format', 'uint8', 'Method', 'MD5'); hash=dataHash(InCluster_bin, Opt).'; FormedCluster=[hash;InCluster_bin]; function m = serialize(v) % SERIALIZE converts a matlab object into a compact (but uncompressed) % series of bytes. % % m = SERIALIZE(v) % % v is a matlab object. It can be any combination of % structs, cells, and arrays. Other object types are not supported. % Note that numeric types in matlab are double by default. To save space % you might want to convert them to integers like this: % % foo = int16([1 2 3]); % % They are automatically converted back to doubles by DESERIALIZE. % % Limitations: No object can have more than 255 dimensions, and each % dimension must be smaller than 2^32. Also structs cannot have more % than 255 fields. % % EXAMPLE: % % v(1).red = {'blue', uint16([1 2 3])}; % v(2).green = [4.5 6.7 8.9]; % m = serialize(v); % v2 = deserialize(m); % % By Tim Hutt, 19/11/2010 % % Updated 16/12/2010 - Fix bug with matrices. if isnumeric(v) || islogical(v) || ischar(v) % Matrix type thing. m = serializeMatrix(v); elseif isstruct(v) m = serializeStruct(v); elseif iscell(v) m = serializeCell(v); else error('Unknown class'); end end function m = serializeMatrix(v) m = uint8([]); % Data type. m = [m; classToByte(class(v))]; % Number of dimensions. m = [m; ndims(v)]; % Dimensions. for ii = 1:ndims(v) m = [m; typecast(uint32(size(v, ii)), 'uint8').']; end % Data. if ischar(v) m = [m; uint8(v(:))]; else m = [m; typecast(v(:).', 'uint8').']; end end function b = classToByte(cls) switch cls case 'double' b = 0; case 'single' b = 1; case 'logical' b = 2; case 'char' b = 3; case 'int8' b = 4; case 'uint8' b = 5; case 'int16' b = 6; case 'uint16' b = 7; case 'int32' b = 8; case 'uint32' b = 9; case 'int64' b = 10; case 'uint64' b = 11; otherwise error('Unknown class'); end end function m = serializeCell(v) m = uint8([]); % Data type. m = [m; 254]; % 254 = cell. % Number of dimensions. m = [m; ndims(v)]; % Dimensions. for ii = 1:ndims(v) m = [m; typecast(uint32(size(v, ii)), 'uint8').']; end % Just serialize each member. for ii = 1:numel(v) m = [m; serialize(v{ii})]; end end % Struct array. A plain struct is just a struct array of size 1. function m = serializeStruct(v) m = uint8([]); % Data type. m = [m; 255]; % 255 = struct. % Field names. fieldNames = fieldnames(v); if numel(fieldNames) > 255 error('Too many fields!'); end % Number of field names. m = [m; numel(fieldNames)]; for ii = 1:numel(fieldNames) m = [m; typecast(uint32(numel(fieldNames{ii})), 'uint8').'; uint8(fieldNames{ii}(:))]; end % Number of dimensions. m = [m; ndims(v)]; % Dimensions. for ii = 1:ndims(v) m = [m; typecast(uint32(size(v, ii)), 'uint8').']; end % Now for go through each one. % This is slightly redundant because we encode the type info lots of % times, but it is only one byte so meh. for ii = 1:numel(v) for ff = 1:numel(fieldNames) m = [m; serialize(v(ii).(fieldNames{ff}))]; end end end function Hash = dataHash(Data, Opt) % DATAHASH - Checksum for Matlab array of any type % This function creates a hash value for an input of any type. The type and % dimensions of the input are considered as default, such that UINT8([0,0]) and % UINT16(0) have different hash values. Nested STRUCTs and CELLs are parsed % recursively. % % Hash = DataHash(Data, Opt) % INPUT: % Data: Array of these built-in types: % (U)INT8/16/32/64, SINGLE, DOUBLE, (real/complex, full/sparse) % CHAR, LOGICAL, CELL (nested), STRUCT (scalar or array, nested), % function_handle. % Opt: Struct to specify the hashing algorithm and the output format. % Opt and all its fields are optional. % Opt.Method: String, known methods for Java 1.6 (Matlab 2011b): % 'SHA-1', 'SHA-256', 'SHA-384', 'SHA-512', 'MD2', 'MD5'. % Call DataHash without inputs to get a list of available methods. % Default: 'MD5'. % Opt.Format: String specifying the output format: % 'hex', 'HEX': Lower/uppercase hexadecimal string. % 'double', 'uint8': Numerical vector. % 'base64': Base64 encoded string, only printable ASCII % characters, shorter than 'hex', no padding. % Default: 'hex'. % Opt.Input: Type of the input as string, not case-sensitive: % 'array': The contents, type and size of the input [Data] are % considered for the creation of the hash. Nested CELLs % and STRUCT arrays are parsed recursively. Empty arrays of % different type reply different hashs. % 'file': [Data] is treated as file name and the hash is calculated % for the files contents. % 'bin': [Data] is a numerical, LOGICAL or CHAR array. Only the % binary contents of the array is considered, such that % e.g. empty arrays of different type reply the same hash. % 'ascii': Same as 'bin', but only the 8-bit ASCII part of the 16-bit % Matlab CHARs is considered. % Default: 'array'. % % OUTPUT: % Hash: String, DOUBLE or UINT8 vector. The length depends on the hashing % method. % % EXAMPLES: % % Default: MD5, hex: % DataHash([]) % 5b302b7b2099a97ba2a276640a192485 % % MD5, Base64: % Opt = struct('Format', 'base64', 'Method', 'MD5'); % DataHash(int32(1:10), Opt) % +tJN9yeF89h3jOFNN55XLg % % SHA-1, Base64: % S.a = uint8([]); % S.b = {{1:10}, struct('q', uint64(415))}; % Opt.Method = 'SHA-1'; % Opt.Format = 'HEX'; % DataHash(S, Opt) % 18672BE876463B25214CA9241B3C79CC926F3093 % % SHA-1 of binary values: % Opt = struct('Method', 'SHA-1', 'Input', 'bin'); % DataHash(1:8, Opt) % 826cf9d3a5d74bbe415e97d4cecf03f445f69225 % % SHA-256, consider ASCII part only (Matlab's CHAR has 16 bits!): % Opt.Method = 'SHA-256'; % Opt.Input = 'ascii'; % DataHash('abc', Opt) % % ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad % % Or equivalently: % Opt.Input = 'bin'; % DataHash(uint8('abc'), Opt) % % NOTES: % Function handles and user-defined objects cannot be converted uniquely: % - The subfunction ConvertFuncHandle uses the built-in function FUNCTIONS, % but the replied struct can depend on the Matlab version. % - It is tried to convert objects to UINT8 streams in the subfunction % ConvertObject. A conversion by STRUCT() might be more appropriate. % Adjust these subfunctions on demand. % % MATLAB CHARs have 16 bits! Use Opt.Input='ascii' for comparisons with e.g. % online hash generators. % % Matt Raum suggested this for e.g. user-defined objects: % DataHash(getByteStreamFromArray(Data) % This works very well, but unfortunately getByteStreamFromArray is % undocumented, such that it might vanish in the future or reply different % output. % % For arrays the calculated hash value might be changed in new versions. % Calling this function without inputs replies the version of the hash. % % The C-Mex function GetMD5 is 2 to 100 times faster, but obtains MD5 only: % % % Tested: Matlab 7.7, 7.8, 7.13, 8.6, WinXP/32, Win7/64 % Author: Jan Simon, Heidelberg, (C) 2011-2016 matlab.2010(a)n(MINUS) % % See also: TYPECAST, CAST. % % Michael Kleder, "Compute Hash", no structs and cells: % % Tim, "Serialize/Deserialize", converts structs and cells to a byte stream: % % $JRev: R-H V:033 Sum:R+m7rAPNLvlw Date:18-Jun-2016 14:33:17 $ % $License: BSD (use/copy/change/redistribute on own risk, mention the author) $ % $File: Tools\GLFile\DataHash.m $ % History: % 001: 01-May-2011 21:52, First version. % 007: 10-Jun-2011 10:38, [Opt.Input], binary data, complex values considered. % 011: 26-May-2012 15:57, Fixed: Failed for binary input and empty data. % 014: 04-Nov-2012 11:37, Consider Mex-, MDL- and P-files also. % Thanks to David (author 243360), who found this bug. % Jan Achterhold (author 267816) suggested to consider Java objects. % 016: 01-Feb-2015 20:53, Java heap space exhausted for large files. % Now files are process in chunks to save memory. % 017: 15-Feb-2015 19:40, Collsions: Same hash for different data. % Examples: zeros(1,1) and zeros(1,1,0) % complex(0) and zeros(1,1,0,0) % Now the number of dimensions is included, to avoid this. % 022: 30-Mar-2015 00:04, Bugfix: Failed for strings and [] without TYPECASTX. % Ross found these 2 bugs, which occur when TYPECASTX is not installed. % If you need the base64 format padded with '=' characters, adjust % fBase64_enc as you like. % 026: 29-Jun-2015 00:13, Changed hash for STRUCTs. % Struct arrays are analysed field by field now, which is much faster. % 027: 13-Sep-2015 19:03, 'ascii' input as abbrev. for Input='bin' and UINT8(). % 028: 15-Oct-2015 23:11, Example values in help section updated to v022. % 029: 16-Oct-2015 22:32, Use default options for empty input. % 031: 28-Feb-2016 15:10, New hash value to get same reply as GetMD5. % New Matlab version (at least 2015b) use a fast method for TYPECAST, such % that calling James Tursa's TYPECASTX is not needed anymore. % Matlab 6.5 not supported anymore: MException for CATCH. % 033: 18-Jun-2016 14:28, BUGFIX: Failed on empty files. % Thanks to Christian (AuthorID 2918599). % OPEN BUGS: % Nath wrote: % function handle refering to struct containing the function will create % infinite loop. Is there any workaround ? % Example: % d= dynamicprops(); % addprop(d,'f'); % d.f= @(varargin) struct2cell(d); % DataHash(d.f) % infinite loop % This is caught with an error message concerning the recursion limit now. % Main function: =============================================================== % Default options: ------------------------------------------------------------- Method = 'MD5'; OutFormat = 'hex'; isFile = false; isBin = false; % Check number and type of inputs: --------------------------------------------- nArg = nargin; if nArg == 2 if isa(Opt, 'struct') == 0 % Bad type of 2nd input: Error_L('BadInput2', '2nd input [Opt] must be a struct.'); end % Specify hash algorithm: if isfield(Opt, 'Method') && ~isempty(Opt.Method) % Short-circuiting Method = upper(Opt.Method); end % Specify output format: if isfield(Opt, 'Format') && ~isempty(Opt.Format) % Short-circuiting OutFormat = Opt.Format; end % Check if the Input type is specified - default: 'array': if isfield(Opt, 'Input') && ~isempty(Opt.Input) % Short-circuiting if strcmpi(Opt.Input, 'File') if ischar(Data) == 0 Error_L('CannotOpen', '1st input FileName must be a string'); end isFile = true; elseif strncmpi(Opt.Input, 'bin', 3) % Accept 'binary' also if (isnumeric(Data) || ischar(Data) || islogical(Data)) == 0 || ... issparse(Data) Error_L('BadDataType', ... '1st input must be numeric, CHAR or LOGICAL for binary input.'); end isBin = true; elseif strncmpi(Opt.Input, 'asc', 3) % 8-bit ASCII characters if ~ischar(Data) Error_L('BadDataType', ... '1st input must be a CHAR for the input type ASCII.'); end isBin = true; Data = uint8(Data); end end elseif nArg == 0 % Reply version of this function: R = Version_L; if nargout == 0 disp(R); else Hash = R; end return; elseif nArg ~= 1 % Bad number of arguments: Error_L('BadNInput', '1 or 2 inputs required.'); end % Create the engine: ----------------------------------------------------------- try Engine =; catch Error_L('BadInput2', 'Invalid algorithm: [%s].', Method); end % Create the hash value: ------------------------------------------------------- if isFile % Open the file: FID = fopen(Data, 'r'); if FID < 0 % Check existence of file: Found = FileExist_L(Data); if Found Error_L('CantOpenFile', 'Cannot open file: %s.', Data); else Error_L('FileNotFound', 'File not found: %s.', Data); end end % Read file in chunks to save memory and Java heap space: Chunk = 1e6; % Fastest for 1e6 on Win7/64, HDD Count = Chunk; % Dummy value to satisfy WHILE condition while Count == Chunk [Data, Count] = fread(FID, Chunk, '*uint8'); if Count ~= 0 % Avoid error for empty file Engine.update(Data); end end fclose(FID); % Calculate the hash: Hash = typecast(Engine.digest, 'uint8'); elseif isBin % Contents of an elementary array, type tested already: if isempty(Data) % Nothing to do, Engine.update fails for empty input! Hash = typecast(Engine.digest, 'uint8'); else % Matlab's TYPECAST is less elegant: if isnumeric(Data) if isreal(Data) Engine.update(typecast(Data(:), 'uint8')); else Engine.update(typecast(real(Data(:)), 'uint8')); Engine.update(typecast(imag(Data(:)), 'uint8')); end elseif islogical(Data) % TYPECAST cannot handle LOGICAL Engine.update(typecast(uint8(Data(:)), 'uint8')); elseif ischar(Data) % TYPECAST cannot handle CHAR Engine.update(typecast(uint16(Data(:)), 'uint8')); % Bugfix: Line removed end Hash = typecast(Engine.digest, 'uint8'); end else % Array with type: Engine = CoreHash(Data, Engine); Hash = typecast(Engine.digest, 'uint8'); end % Convert hash specific output format: ----------------------------------------- switch OutFormat case 'hex' Hash = sprintf('%.2x', double(Hash)); case 'HEX' Hash = sprintf('%.2X', double(Hash)); case 'double' Hash = double(reshape(Hash, 1, [])); case 'uint8' Hash = reshape(Hash, 1, []); case 'base64' Hash = fBase64_enc(double(Hash)); otherwise Error_L('BadOutFormat', ... '[Opt.Format] must be: HEX, hex, uint8, double, base64.'); end end % return; % ****************************************************************************** function Engine = CoreHash(Data, Engine) % This methods uses the slower TYPECAST of Matlab % Consider the type and dimensions of the array to distinguish arrays with the % same data, but different shape: [0 x 0] and [0 x 1], [1,2] and [1;2], % DOUBLE(0) and SINGLE([0,0]): % < v016: [class, size, data]. BUG! 0 and zeros(1,1,0) had the same hash! % >= v016: [class, ndims, size, data] Engine.update([uint8(class(Data)), ... typecast(uint64([ndims(Data), size(Data)]), 'uint8')]); if issparse(Data) % Sparse arrays to struct: [S.Index1, S.Index2, S.Value] = find(Data); Engine = CoreHash(S, Engine); elseif isstruct(Data) % Hash for all array elements and fields: F = sort(fieldnames(Data)); % Ignore order of fields for iField = 1:length(F) % Loop over fields aField = F{iField}; Engine.update(uint8(aField)); for iS = 1:numel(Data) % Loop over elements of struct array Engine = CoreHash(Data(iS).(aField), Engine); end end elseif iscell(Data) % Get hash for all cell elements: for iS = 1:numel(Data) Engine = CoreHash(Data{iS}, Engine); end elseif isempty(Data) % Nothing to do elseif isnumeric(Data) if isreal(Data) Engine.update(typecast(Data(:), 'uint8')); else Engine.update(typecast(real(Data(:)), 'uint8')); Engine.update(typecast(imag(Data(:)), 'uint8')); end elseif islogical(Data) % TYPECAST cannot handle LOGICAL Engine.update(typecast(uint8(Data(:)), 'uint8')); elseif ischar(Data) % TYPECAST cannot handle CHAR Engine.update(typecast(uint16(Data(:)), 'uint8')); elseif isa(Data, 'function_handle') Engine = CoreHash(ConvertFuncHandle(Data), Engine); elseif (isobject(Data) || isjava(Data)) && ismethod(Data, 'hashCode') Engine = CoreHash(char(Data.hashCode), Engine); else % Most likely a user-defined object: try BasicData = ConvertObject(Data); catch ME error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':BadDataType'], ... '%s: Cannot create elementary array for type: %s\n %s', ... mfilename, class(Data), ME.message); end try Engine = CoreHash(BasicData, Engine); catch ME if strcmpi(ME.identifier, 'MATLAB:recursionLimit') ME = MException(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':RecursiveType'], ... '%s: Cannot create hash for recursive data type: %s', ... mfilename, class(Data)); end throw(ME); end end end % return; % ****************************************************************************** function FuncKey = ConvertFuncHandle(FuncH) % The subfunction ConvertFuncHandle converts function_handles to a struct % using the Matlab function FUNCTIONS. The output of this function changes % with the Matlab version, such that DataHash(@sin) replies different hashes % under Matlab 6.5 and 2009a. % An alternative is using the function name and name of the file for % function_handles, but this is not unique for nested or anonymous functions. % If the MATLABROOT is removed from the file's path, at least the hash of % Matlab's toolbox functions is (usually!) not influenced by the version. % Finally I'm in doubt if there is a unique method to hash function handles. % Please adjust the subfunction ConvertFuncHandles to your needs. % The Matlab version influences the conversion by FUNCTIONS: % 1. The format of the struct replied FUNCTIONS is not fixed, % 2. The full paths of toolbox function e.g. for @mean differ. FuncKey = functions(FuncH); % Include modification file time and file size. Suggested by Aslak Grinsted: if ~isempty(FuncKey.file) d = dir(FuncKey.file); if ~isempty(d) FuncKey.filebytes = d.bytes; FuncKey.filedate = d.datenum; end end % ALTERNATIVE: Use name and path. The part of the toolbox functions % is replaced such that the hash for @mean does not depend on the Matlab % version. % Drawbacks: Anonymous functions, nested functions... % funcStruct = functions(FuncH); % funcfile = strrep(funcStruct.file, matlabroot, ''); % FuncKey = uint8([funcStruct.function, ' ', funcfile]); % Finally I'm afraid there is no unique method to get a hash for a function % handle. Please adjust this conversion to your needs. end % return; % ****************************************************************************** function DataBin = ConvertObject(DataObj) % Convert a user-defined object to a binary stream. There cannot be a unique % solution, so this part is left for the user... try % Perhaps a direct conversion is implemented: DataBin = uint8(DataObj); % Matt Raum had this excellent idea - unfortunately this function is % undocumented and might not be supported in te future: % DataBin = getByteStreamFromArray(DataObj); catch % Or perhaps this is better: WarnS = warning('off', 'MATLAB:structOnObject'); DataBin = struct(DataObj); warning(WarnS); end end % return; % ****************************************************************************** function Out = fBase64_enc(In) % Encode numeric vector of UINT8 values to base64 string. % The intention of this is to create a shorter hash than the HEX format. % Therefore a padding with '=' characters is omitted on purpose. Pool = [65:90, 97:122, 48:57, 43, 47]; % [0:9, a:z, A:Z, +, /] v8 = [128; 64; 32; 16; 8; 4; 2; 1]; v6 = [32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]; In = reshape(In, 1, []); X = rem(floor(In(ones(8, 1), :) ./ v8(:, ones(length(In), 1))), 2); Y = reshape([X(:); zeros(6 - rem(numel(X), 6), 1)], 6, []); Out = char(Pool(1 + v6 * Y)); end % return; % ****************************************************************************** function Ex = FileExist_L(FileName) % A more reliable version of EXIST(FileName, 'file'): dirFile = dir(FileName); if length(dirFile) == 1 Ex = ~(dirFile.isdir); else Ex = false; end end % return; % ****************************************************************************** function R = Version_L() % The output differs between versions of this function. So give the user a % chance to recognize the version: % 1: 01-May-2011, Initial version % 2: 15-Feb-2015, The number of dimensions is considered in addition. % In version 1 these variables had the same hash: % zeros(1,1) and zeros(1,1,0), complex(0) and zeros(1,1,0,0) % 3: 29-Jun-2015, Struct arrays are processed field by field and not element % by element, because this is much faster. In consequence the hash value % differs, if the input contains a struct. % 4: 28-Feb-2016 15:20, same output as GetMD5 for MD5 sums. Therefore the % dimensions are casted to UINT64 at first. R.HashVersion = 4; R.Date = [2016, 2, 28]; R.HashMethod = {}; try Provider =; for iProvider = 1:numel(Provider) S = char(Provider(iProvider).getServices); Index = strfind(S, 'MessageDigest.'); for iDigest = 1:length(Index) Digest = strtok(S(Index(iDigest):end)); Digest = strrep(Digest, 'MessageDigest.', ''); R.HashMethod = cat(2, R.HashMethod, {Digest}); end end catch ME fprintf(2, '%s\n', ME.message); R.HashMethod = 'error'; end end % return; % ****************************************************************************** function Error_L(ID, varargin) error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':', ID], ['*** %s: ', varargin{1}], ... mfilename, varargin{2:nargin - 1}); end % return; end function [v, pos] = deserialize(m, pos) % DESERIALIZE converts the output of SERIALIZE back into a matlab object. % % v = DESERIALIZE(m) % [v, pos] = DESERIALIZE(m, pos) % % m is the series of bytes created by SERIALIZE. Integer numeric types are % automatically converted back to doubles. The optional input/output 'pos' % is the position to start reading from, and is returned as pointing to the % first unused byte. % % If all the data is supposed to be decoded, the following should be true % after execution. % % pos == numel(m)+1 % % By Tim Hutt, 19/11/2010 % % Updated 16/12/2010 - Fix bug with matrices. if ~isnumeric(m) error('Input must be numeric (and uint8)'); end if ~strcmp(class(m), 'uint8') error('Input must be uint8'); end if nargin < 2 pos = 1; end if pos > numel(m) error('Input too small') end cls = byteToClass(m(pos)); switch (cls) case {'double', 'single', 'logical', 'char', ... 'int8', 'uint8', 'int16', 'uint16', 'int32', 'uint32', 'int64', 'uint64'} [v, pos] = deserializeMatrix(m, pos); case 'struct' [v, pos] = deserializeStruct(m, pos); case 'cell' [v, pos] = deserializeCell(m, pos); otherwise error('Unknown class'); end function [v, pos] = deserializeMatrix(m, pos) cls = byteToClass(m(pos)); pos = pos + 1; ndms = double(m(pos)); pos = pos + 1; dms = []; for ii = 1:ndms dms(ii) = double(typecast(m(pos:pos+3), 'uint32')); pos = pos + 4; end nbytes = prod(dms) * sizeof(cls); % Data. switch cls case 'char' v = char(m(pos:pos+nbytes-1)); case 'logical' v = logical(m(pos:pos+nbytes-1)); otherwise v = double(typecast(m(pos:pos+nbytes-1), cls)); end pos = pos + nbytes; v = reshape(v, [dms 1 1]); end function sz = sizeof(cls) switch cls case {'double', 'int64', 'uint64'} sz = 8; case {'single', 'int32', 'uint32'} sz = 4; case {'int16', 'uint16'} sz = 2; case {'logical', 'char', 'int8', 'uint8'} sz = 1; otherwise error('Unknown class'); end end function cls = byteToClass(b) switch b case 0 cls = 'double'; case 1 cls = 'single'; case 2 cls = 'logical'; case 3 cls = 'char'; case 4 cls = 'int8'; case 5 cls = 'uint8'; case 6 cls = 'int16'; case 7 cls = 'uint16'; case 8 cls = 'int32'; case 9 cls = 'uint32'; case 10 cls = 'int64'; case 11 cls = 'uint64'; case 254 cls = 'cell'; case 255 cls = 'struct'; otherwise error('Unknown class'); end end function [v, pos] = deserializeCell(m, pos) pos = pos + 1; % We know it is a cell. ndms = double(m(pos)); pos = pos + 1; dms = []; for ii = 1:ndms dms(ii) = double(typecast(m(pos:pos+3), 'uint32')); pos = pos + 4; end nels = prod(dms); v = {}; for ii = 1:nels [v{ii}, pos] = deserialize(m, pos); end v = reshape(v, [dms 1 1]); end function [v, pos] = deserializeStruct(m, pos) pos = pos + 1; % We know it is a struct. % Number of field names. nfields = double(m(pos)); pos = pos + 1; % Field names. for ii = 1:nfields fnlen = double(typecast(m(pos:pos+3), 'uint32')); pos = pos + 4; fieldNames{ii} = char(m(pos:pos+fnlen-1)).'; pos = pos + fnlen; end % Dimensions ndms = double(m(pos)); pos = pos + 1; dms = []; for ii = 1:ndms dms(ii) = double(typecast(m(pos:pos+3), 'uint32')); pos = pos + 4; end nels = prod(dms); v = []; for ii = 1:nels for ff = 1:nfields [v(ii).(fieldNames{ff}), pos] = deserialize(m, pos); end end v = reshape(v, [dms 1 1]); end end